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The Anti-Christian Inquisition

Updated: Dec 30, 2022


It is a goal that the media impose on public opinion the idea that persecuting Christians is okay.

The Salem Witches is a play written by Arthur Miller in 1952. The author drew a parallel between the witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692, and the persecution he himself suffered, on suspicion of being a communist and Soviet spy, in the McCarthyite era.

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Although today communists are no longer persecuted, in part, because they are in power almost everywhere in the world, there is no doubt that Political Correctness is destroying two of the fundamental pillars of Western democracies: the presumption of innocence and freedom .

Lucía Lijtmaer , journalist and cultural critic, defines Political Correctness as the ideology of the offended . These are people who take offense at anything said, even the truth. However, the problem does not end there, if so, it would just be a group of spoiled and spoiled brats. Well, these hypersensitive people want literary works, political ideas, television programs and religious expressions to be systematically censored. The danger of this trend is that the political space ceases to be a place for the rational debate of ideas, and becomes a dictatorship of feelings, especially hatred.

Feminism, environmentalism, indigenism, wokism and hispanophobia, in the case of Latin American countries, are expressions of political correctness. All these movements, without exception, have the institutions that support the West as enemies, but especially the Christian tradition of our countries. For this reason, the politicians who promote these ideas do not hesitate for a second to censor everything that can be considered Christian symbology.

In almost all of Europe and the United States, censorship of peaceful expressions of the Christian faith is becoming more frequent. For example, Isabel Vaughan-Spruce , director of March for Life UK , was arrested on December 6 and charged on December 15 with four counts of breaching a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO). Her "crime" was to be silently praying in front of an abortion clinic.

But the Vaughan-Spruce case is the tip of the iceberg. Well, the persecution could increase. Currently, it is under discussion in the UK to establish censorship zones around abortion facilities in England and Wales. Clause 9 of the Public Order Bill, still under parliamentary debate, would prohibit pro-life volunteers from expressing any opinion in the vicinity of abortion clinics. The penalties for violation of this law would be up to two years in prison.

But we Hispanic Americans do not need to look to Europe to find examples of the attack on the Christian faith. In Mexico, the Chocholá City Council, in the state of Yucatán, raised the possibility of banning Christmas nativity scenes in public spaces.

In Nicaragua, the dictatorship of Daniel Ortega has declared a frontal war against the Catholic Church. In this regard, the Nicaraguan journalist Luis Galeano , in his program Café con voz , expressed the following:

The priests detained in Nicaragua are Fr. Óscar Danilo Benavidez, from the Diocese of Siuna, who is in the Directorate of Judicial Assistance –El Chipote–, with the general rector of the Juan Pablo II University, Fr. Ramiro Tijerino Chávez; the vicar of the Cathedral of Matagalpa, Fr. José Luis Díaz Cruz, and his predecessor, Fr. Sadiel Antonio Eugarrios Cano. Also in El Chipote are Deacon Raúl Antonio Vega; the seminarians Darvin Leiva Mendoza and Melkin Centeno and the layman Sergio Cadena Flores.

In Argentina, during 2019, feminists attacked images of the Virgin Mary in the province of Río Cuarto, in the city of Buenos Aires and in the town of General Rodríguez. In one of the images, the gang members of the green scarf wrote: "Hold on, the virgin will abort."

It is evident that globalism, the great promoter of all political correctness, is the most interested in ending the Christian faith. Many reasons, but he is especially interested in mastering that great space of individuality: faith. The goal is to get the media to impose on public opinion the idea that persecuting Christians is okay.

Christus vincit! Christus regnant! Christus imperat!


Economist, university professor, writer and Political consultant. He always committed to the defense of life, property and liberty.

Freedom Voice Reports

A non-profit 501(c)(3), translated this Spanish article from the La Iberia , with permission.

Founded by Maibort Petit. An organization through their media company that defends your Freedoms and Human Rights from government abuses. They are also known for their many community projects.

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